
Ahhhhh Watermelon!

Growing up, we learned to spit out watermelon seeds. Basically, anything seed is often discarded, but new research shows that some seeds give great benefits and are healthier consumed than discarded. Today we explore, the kinda tasteless but oh so refreshing watermelon. The fruit itself is very hydrating as water makes up a large percentage of it. But the seeds are beneficial in the following ways -Great source of Magnesium, Iron, Folate, monounsaturated fats (whether you believe or not, ha!). The kicker is that you have to consume A LOT of the seeds to get full benefits. I decided to make some watermelon juice for hubs and I. the thing about fruit is this, contrary to popular belief, you should consume fruits BEFORE meals. Let it be the first thing to hit your empty stomach, after good 'ol room temperature water (will explore water in another post); you benefit more from that. Trust me, I'm a doctor :) So back to the juice, peel, and blend the watermelon, seeds and all. ...

Smoothies - Take your pick

Hi! Two food posts in one day!. It's safe to say I'm trying to put on a little weight (my Ghanaian friends will tease me if I dare say "add weight") and stay healthy as well. My new obsession is smoothies!!= Especially since I have this awesome blender my mom gave me, it's old school but so much better than any new one I have tried. You can blend fine or blend it in a way that you will have small juicy chunky surprises :) all up to you. I've tried different fruits but today it's all about the mango! I haven't yet met anyone who does not like this fruit. Some ppl say it causes them to run(in other words, but if you take about a cupfull, you should be fine each time. Also, cut up the fruit into cubes or slices the night before and put in the freezer. Blend the next day for a chilled smoothie :) Health point: Also courtesy of Conscious Life News, below are several options for the smoothie lover and their benefits. Pea...

Easy peesy salad

Hi! Today I want to write on some tips in making a simple, healthy, tasty salad. This salad has the following 1. Tomatoes 2. Lettuce 3. Carrots 4. A protein (Eggs or bacon bits or chicken pieces) Chop them up however you like. With Lettuce, I just pluck into pieces. prior to chopping, keep lettuce in salted water, flash carrots with hot water for about 5-10mins (will help soften them, unless you like it super crunchy). Toss in your protein. Homemade vinaigrette : Oil+Salt+pepper+vinegar...mix...simple n tasty. I love Honey mustard, so definitely try that. As a Doctor, I tell my patients that they must eat well to help in getting better. Eat well even when you are well. Eat healthy always. I will try to add health points with any recipe. Health point: Tomatoes and lettuce have Vitamin A (good for the eyes) and Vitamin C (good for skin). Veggies are generally a good source of fiber which help with digestion(eat a good serving everyday to prevent ...

Medicine has limitations

I lost a patient today. Not really my patient anymore. But you know how patients will always be your patients even when u change units, hospitals, countries. 28 yrs old. Diagnosis stumped everyone. This is the part of medicine that sucks. Heads of every department involved were called to review and still, no definite diagnosis could be made. Nothing added up. Nothing made sense. It confused the most experienced doctors. Every time this happens, there is a feeling of what else could have been done. You rehearse every step, every decision, every symptom and at the end, you come up empty. Cos you are not God. Still this is sad. I'm the type of doctor, I can't help it, I bond with my patients and their families. He was no different. His mom became the smiling, though worried face I saw every time I got to work and every time I was leaving. Yes, she was there, all day, every day. She told me a few days ago, with eyes wide "Doc, this is my only son oh" I said I know, it ...

Back to doing what I love

Hi Everybody I have loved writing ever since I can remember. That's partly why I started this blog. But as life happens, we often get carried away by the troubles and schedules of life, and eventually we forget our first love. Next, we worry. Bout what to write, when to write it and how to write it. Then we worry bout who will read it, who will appreciate it, who will validate it. Atleast these happened to me. I was never happy at how I abandoned one of my greatest loves-writing-so unceremoniously. I was too ashamed to return especially cos everytime I tried to start I was weighed down by guilt and the silent loneliness in the blog. Many times my sister would say "blog about whatever it is you love, you can't go wrong with being honest, you don't have to go celebrity blogging cos its popular, do you" And finally, I'm here to do what I love. I hope you will come along with me on this journey cos frankly Its comforting to have friends, albeit cyber frien...

An interesting read by YA...on the Trayvon Martin Case

Below is a write up by my best friend's big sis on the whole situation happening now. Please read and reflect on this life where we should be our brother's keeper...regardless of color. Enjoy. "Let me just say for the record, I never thought George Zimmerman was a bad man. He’s the kind of neighbor anyone, I in particular, would like to have because I hope someone cares enough about my property to join the neighborhood watch because I sure as hell won't. However he was negligent in the execution of his duties, which resulted in the death of a young man. This fact is irrefutable. He was warned to stay in his car, chose to ignore those rules and inevitably got himself hurt. It’s very unfortunate that what should have been a logical discussion of the repercussions for ignoring police instructions, which resulted in the death of a human being, denigrated into practically a race war. 2-degree murder charges should never have been filed.  This was purely a manslaughter c...

Angelina Jolie has double mastectomy

BBC News - Angelina Jolie has double mastectomy