Fabulous blogging

Hi Y'all! Thank You for visiting my blog, afrofab.blogspot.com
This blog is going to showcase style tips, fab music, infotainment and more.
Let me tell you why I started this blog. First reason, I love to write, I write a lot about stuff and writing is so enlivening. I am a creative/artistic-type person so this blog should be fun. Second reason, I feel like in some way there are people out there I need to reach; looking fabulous is obvious, put your look together to suit your body and mind. Feeling fabulous is not so obvious at first, but once you feel fabulous, the whole world knows it! It may be working out, eating right or just plain, old, simple joy. Doing fabulous. Aha! That is the true test of being fabulous. It is doing something positive in someone’s life, doing something positive in your life, following your ‘get-outta-here’ dreams (someone ask Barack Obama about the possibility of ‘get-outta-here’ dreams!) and your doing-fabulous-definition inserted here { }. Third reason, fabulous is just another word for wonderful, magnificent, marvelous, tremendous, great, remarkable, extraordinary, amazing! Go figure!


Anonymous said…
This is really nice. It should go a long way in helping peoples idea about fashion and other stuff. I shall surely be a regular visitor.
Anonymous said…
thank you!
Anonymous said…
Loving this blog already...a new addition to help kill time when having nothing to do
delabique said…
love your prose style. look forward to reading your blog posts.

Check out my designs at

afrofabchic said…
@cool_ice, thanks for checking out my blog.
@delabique, thanks for the love, look out for more posts, love ur blog as well.

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